Los Angeles Crime Statistics in 2020 by Race

The map above shows crimes committed in Los Angeles from January 2020 to mid May 2020. The colors represent the race of the crime victims, including:

  • A – Other Asian
  • B – Black
  • C – Chinese
  • D – Cambodian
  • F – Filipino
  • G – Guamanian
  • H – Hispanic/Latin/Mexican
  • I – American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • J – Japanese
  • K – Korean
  • L – Laotian
  • O – Other
  • P – Pacific Islander
  • S – Samoan
  • U – Hawaiian
  • V – Vietnamese
  • W – White
  • X – Unknown
  • Z – Asian Indian

The data shows that hispanics represent the largest number of crime victims in the city of Los Angeles, with a total of 21,934. Whites are second at 14,520 and blacks are third at 9,643. The chart above does not include any where the race was unknown.